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A Bright Idea… Festival

Hey guys! Wow! It’s been a pretty crazy week for us! Not only did Kristy, Natalie, and I spend all Wednesday night (and Thursday morning) setting up for the Artspace Hamilton Grand Opening (Kristy and I live there and I’m the chairman of the resident committee) but then, after spending all day Thursday actually at that event, I took a Greyhound at 3am to Louisville, KY for IdeaFestival!

). The awesome interview with The Orange Bison was also posted (here: so you can go give that a read. The interviews with GameDev Cafe and The IndieView Podcast should be up sometime this week as well.

ALL this in addition to Lance, Dwayne, Steve, and I finishing up the mural (Nat and Eric worked on it earlier, but not this week)! It feels so nice to get that all done! We may still have some minor touch-ups to work on as things go forward, but as far as the Collapsus Kickstarter is concerned, it’s finished! Now we just need to clean the place!

Lastly, we just struck a distribution deal with Coca-Cola, too. This means cheaper Monster delivered to the studio, a wider selection, more of it and… WE FINALLY GET OUR MONSTER MINIFRIDGE! It’s coming on Tuesday. We’re all pretty excited! Now, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Adam, Natalie, Cody, and Kristy have all been sick (not sure if they caught what I had last week or what), so I actually went down to IdeaFestival all on my own Friday.

IdeaFestival was amazing! Going to events is always a blast, but there’s really something special about events dedicated specifically to education. Gotta say, Collapsus drew the biggest single crowd in Wraith history. Look at this!

One of the members of event staff liked the game so much that she not only memorized my usual pitch, but started dragging her friends and coworkers over to make sure they played. Heck, one of those kids I mentioned earlier (seen in quite a lot of these shots) actually managed to get to Level 6 on Hard… the highest anyone has gotten to at one of our events! We’ll be sending him a shirt for that once they’re printed up.

What more can I say? There were some great people at the IdeaFestival! It’d be great to come back if we get the chance! This was another one of those “one developer per day” deals rather than a whole bunch of us all at once. On top of that, IdeaFestival isn’t usually about gaming, so only time will tell. Maybe next time we can bring the demo of Physix we planned to have ready this time. Who knows?

Our new tablet setup seemed to work out well, too, by the way. We were short 2 tablets, but this trial by fire (Kindle Fire?) really worked out!

So… what else happened? Well, oddly enough, at the Greyhound station in Louisville, there was a little arcade! Who would have guessed?

But that was the trip (and the week) in a nutshell. We’re headed off to EKU this week for their job fair, and after that we start filming for the Collapsus Kickstarter! We have more events coming up soon, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it! See ya!


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