You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension – a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into…. the Wraith Games blog.

Sorry, had to do it.
Hello everyone! This is going to be a fairly quick blog post. We’re currently neck deep in crunch mode for Collapsus. Yup, that’s right. Just a couple weeks and it will all be done. After that we’re heading over to PAX East to show it off and meet with all you nice people. Now, this is actually the very last post I will be doing alone on the blog. Starting next week, our 3D Art Director Steve Dorgan will be taking the first week of the month over, 2D Art Director Lance T. Miller will grab the second, Programmer Natalie Wahl takes the third, I will stay on for the fourth, and the fifth will be a special guest spot (whether that’s from inside the company or outside, that will depend on how we feel that month). This means that the blog will be returning to a weekly format (obviously) like we did in 2016 rather than monthly. To be honest, running the blog weekly by myself was just a bit too much, so I dropped it down to monthly.
Anyway, one of the big things that made this possible was a complete overhaul of our website. That’s half of what this post is about (and you just thought it was one of my infamous typos, didn’t ya?)

We’re no stranger to website redesigns; we basically do it every few years. This version, however has more content than ever before!

This brand new version of the site has the blog, as well as space for the vlogs and podcast (both coming soon), a new merch store, new contact forms, more information about the business, space for studio info (like, the physical building) and team bios (both coming soon as well), gallery, events calendar, and even independent pages for our games (with playable versions, micro galleries, and FAQs)!

This is our most fully featured to date!

Speaking of the podcast (seamless transition, Jay, seamless), we have the other half of the blog title: “SOUND”!
While the first episode has yet to drop, I just wanted to take a bit of time to talk a little about the brand new podcast: “Two Devs and a Dude”. We’ll be recording every other Sunday and posting after that sometime (real specific, I know). For that, I’m going to be joined by Grant McClure of the “GameOver GameOn” podcast and Cajun Coding of the “IndieView” podcast! The first episode in the month will be the three of us and will be us discussing various gaming news and the second episode of the month has us (joined by a guest seat) having played a game earlier in the month and then we get together and talk about it. It’s kind of like a book club, but for games! There will also be points where other Wraith team members will step instead of me, but at least for the first few episodes, it will be me all the way (especially with the rest of the team finishing things up on Collapsus).
Look for it very soon!
But yeah, like i said, it was a quick one this time. Well, it’s back to Collapsus crunch for me! Now to not sleep for another couple weeks (uuug). Until next time!