Hey! Hope you all had a wonderful whatever you celebrated. Here’s just a quick update for all of you (and my first post here for those of you who are reading this on IndieDB). We’re still hammering away on Physix and Collapsus, but managed to get the Lite version of FlyGuy on Kongregate. It was supposed to take about a week or two from start to publish, but one of our programmers and one of our artists moved which put a kink in the schedule, but they got finished soon enough to have a pre-Christmas release. As you may know, Unity is updating to export into flash and with it, so is the web version of FlyGuy. If we get enough people playing and rating, we’re going to finish up our iOS/Android, “Full” version in CoronaSDK, which will be free to play and will contain a multitude of new modes, challenges and OpenFeint support. Just think of the Kongregate version as a prototype to test the waters. We should have new media posted (both on DB and our site) soon for not only this, but Physix and Collapsus as well. Just remember, if no one shows their interest, the big mobile release may never happen. Tell us what you think!
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