Hey all! Lets start today’s blog post off with some smaller news. Kristy, our current lead programmer (and my fiancée) is a college student. Her new semester starts in a couple weeks on the 25th. As such, Collapsus programming will be slowing down a bit while she handles school. Don’t worry, though, it won’t grind to a halt or anything, just slow down. If any of you are programmers, though, and would like to help us get it out quicker, drop us a line either on our contact form on the site, or on one of our social media pages.
That being said, today, I want to talk about more studio remodeling! Any time we post about remodeling, we get tons of people mentioning how awesome what we’re doing is. That was just Phase 1 (if you remember our blog post from a few months back). Now on to Phase 2!
What you’re seeing right here is our new logo decal above our green screen! Pretty slick, huh? Well, it took several hours to put up, so it better look good. For some reason, they shipped it to us in pieces! Weird. It also didn’t really like cooperating with our new wall paint. No big. We got it up and we’re all pretty happy with it!
As for what’s next for the remodel, we’re going to start by getting a standing desk. We’re thinking about the larger Skarsta from Ikea.
We’re also moving the Collapsus Arcade Edition cabinet to a place where we can do more wood work on it. Going in its place is a spiffy new drafting table!
Lance Miller Decks
) is also putting up a mural on the big, blank wall on the other side of the room! It’s gonna look awesome when it’s all done!
We want to be able to take pride in our work space. We’re so proud of what we’ve made of it so far and we can’t wait to do so much more with it! Next week… Actual game development talk (oh, my!)
Oh… and for the few of you that are interested, we do have an Amazon Wish List for some of this stuff (and other studio supplies) if you want to help us out: