Hey all! I just wanted to give you all a quick heads up that we will be going to a few events very soon! Over the past few years we’ve been to A&G Ohio three times and Pandoracon once. It wasn’t until last year that we got to go to our biggest event at that point: The Ohio Game Developer Expo (OGDE, for short) to show off Collapsus to all of our wonderful fans and fellow indie developers! It was a real blast and we hope to return again later this year (though we haven’t registered just yet). This year has already had us driving all the way down to Kentucky for EKU’s Vector Conference where, once again, we got to meet and demo Collapsus to all of you lovely people… but that’s not all for this year.
The first is Indy PopCon, June 17th – 19th at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. There are tons of guests at this one: Tara Strong, Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic), Ninja Sex Party, the cast of RWBY, Karen Gillan, Kevin Smith, Mark Waid, Kristi Lee, Charles Martinet, Freddie Wong, Nolan North, Jirard ‘The Completionist’ Khalil, and many, many more! Way too many to list! It’s quite honestly the biggest convention we’ve ever shown at. We’ll be demoing Collapsus and will even be up on stage bring players up for a huge live demo show! It will certainly be something you won’t what to miss! For more information, go here:

Next we have Game Masters: The Exhibition at COSI (Center of Science and Industry) in Columbus, Ohio! Game Masters is a huge, internationally traveling exhibit that started at ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) in 2012. Well, it’s headed to COSI and we’ve been asked to show off Collapsus! While the exhibition covers a lot of game history including the arcade games that started it all and the huge games that changed the industry, we’ll be featured with the indies, of course, representing the future of games! Sword & Sworcery EP, Machinarium, Braid, Minecraft, Journey, From Dust, Castle Crashers, Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, and many, many more of our prolific peers have been shown as part of this exhibition in the same capacity that we’re showing now, so it’s a huge honor to say the least.
We will be there for our part on July 2nd, but if you can, try to make it on multiple days. It’s well worth it! For more information, go to:

Next up on our list is a smaller event, but one very close to our hearts. We will be presenting a full arcade cabinet of another of our games, Radarkanoid, at an August exhibit at the Fitton Center for the Creative Arts, in Hamilton, Ohio (the hometown of our studio) called “Hindsight”! This will actually be the second time we’ve had a game here (and the only people to do so at all, in fact). A long time ago (2006, to be exact) we had a small demo of an much older project for a ‘Butler Tech School for the Arts’ student showcase back when we were student hobbyists rather than the actual development studio we are now. Oh, the memories! Well, now we’re back there as part of an actual exhibit.
The exact specifics of the event haven’t been laid out quite yet (in fact, they’ll have a proper banner and webpage for it when the event is closer). but for now, just know that it will be in August and more information will appear here:
as it draws closer.

Last (for now, anyway) but certainly not least, on November 11th – 13th at the Blue Ash Crowne Plaza, we will be attending Pandoracon for the second time (the first being in 2013)! Pandoracon is primarily a steampunk, sci-fi, and fantasy convention, but they have tons of including anime, gaming, comics, cosplay, and more, as well! We’ll be giving three talks while we’re there: “How to build an indie game studio”, “VR: From Sci-Fi, to Reality, and Beyond!” & “Accessibility in Games”.
It was a real blast last time we were there and with what we’ve got lined up this time, it’s looking like this one will be even better! More info on Pandoracon can be found here:
Well, we hope that this let you all know what we’ll be up to these next few months and we REALLY hope you can stop by and see us if you can make any of these! See you soon!
[This article was originally posted on our SlideDB page. You can read it here: