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Level Up! Death to the Beige Monster!

Hey all! Wow, this blog post is late, isn’t it! Sorry about that! There’s a really good reason for it, I promise! First, though, an update on Collapsus: it’s doing great… now on to the other news!

So many shiny new toys!

These are just some of the things that arrived for the studio in the past few days! We have a new desk (oh, that illusive desk! It’s finally ours!), four stunning new drafting chairs, one guest chair, a drafting table lamp, two desk-based headphone hooks (and another one for the mic stand), a SnapRecorder recording booth/box/thing, new studio headphones, new rug, t-shirt frame, waste bin, a new round of our Amazon Monster subscription and, of course, our Wii U Dev Kit!!!

So… many… BOXES!

This has been pretty great so far! SO much has gotten done with the space, just today alone! Here, why not take a bit of a tour with me really quick?

Now on to the main work area!

That’s pretty spiffy! We ordered a SnapRecorder soundproof recording booth thing that goes around the mic, but couldn’t figure out how top put it on until after these were taken (embarrassingly enough to admit). We’re trying to do most of our sound in-house, so this should make things go really smoothly. We love this mic since we first got it (before we got the studio space) and adding the SnapRecorder and headphone stand bring it one step above for us!

Let’s not forget about inside our mini-fridge! Monster! Our water of life! Fully stocked, and hopefully to remain that way!

Okay! What do you think? Can’t quite ? Well, here’s one more shot of the whole thing…

Pretty snazzy, right!? We sure do think so! (Wow this is an exclamation mark heavy article… but we’re just so excited, so I guess it’s okay!) Hey, you can even see our t-shirt frame with our first shirt in it from back in 2007 with “WRAITHGAMES.ORG” (yes, .ORG) written in the old Ghastly Panic font logo. Brings me back. So yeah, we sure did put a lot of work into this… and we’re not even done!

Here in the next couple weeks, we’re adding wood laminate floors (BOSS!), new roller shades to accompany the blinds, finally getting a phone in the studio, finishing painting the faucet coat rack, finishing up the mural (heck yeah!) and calling that Google photographer back in for our official Google tour! We cant wait and we hope you can’t either! After that, we’re finally going to shoot that darned Collapsus Kickstarter video, now that we have a space worthy of being filmed in rather than that beige monstrosity (Oooh! Now I get the title!).

Here very soon we’ll have more Collapsus and Radarkanoid news (and I’ve been told some cool looks at Physix as well), so stay tuned!


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