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Nifty in the Top Fifty!

Is it Monday again already? Wow! We’ve had a pretty busy week, to be honest. With the holidays quickly approaching and dev ramping up in a big way (especially with the Versus mode in Collapsus), and us finally reaching 1000 Twitter followers, time really does fly! Well, on this week’s blog post, we have something very special to bring up!

All throughout last week, SlideDB started off Round 1 of their big ‘App of the Year’ competition. We didn’t think much of our odds, but we took to our social media to see if we could drum up some votes and you know what? We made their ‘Top 50’! (And if you haven’t voted for us in Round 2 yet, why the heck not?! Seriously, please go do that! There are only 6 days left as of writing this. Go on! *Shoo* I’ll wait.)

Hot dang! It is such an honor to be in this position! We’ve been working very hard make Collapsus the best game we possibly can and I guess, somehow, it really showed! When we went to OGDE last month, we had very positive feedback from all of the wonderful people who played the demo, but with over 2500 other games in the running, we never thought to land in the Top 50 for ‘App of the Year’!

Really awesome people playing Collapsus at OGDE 2015

It occurs to me that with the influx of new traffic from both Twitter and SlideDB, a lot of you may not know as much about Collapsus as those who have been with us for the long haul. Last week we made a post about all of what Collapsus has to offer (it’s a really long feature list and if you haven’t seen it, you may want to. You can do that here). Right now, I want to take a little time to talk about the Collapsus development process, if you’ll indulge me.

Back in 2006, when I had first started trying to make games and before there really was a ‘Wraith Games’, I had wanted to make a game for my mom, who at the time was really into puzzle games. Over the course of several months, I had whipped up a prototype that would soon become known as Collapsus. I took inspiration from many notable (and fairly disparate) sources; particularly the likes of puzzle greats like Tetris, Bejeweled and Puzzle League (and oddly enough, the movement of a Rubik’s cube). The end result was a game where you try to match 4 or more colored blocks in a line by destroying undesirable blocks. The entire game is built on a unique risk-reward centered resource management mechanic because, let’s be honest, it’s just more fun to break blocks than to swap them! While this prototype was still very rough, I knew I had the start of something worthwhile, but at the time had no way of bringing it to the next level, so it just sat there on my computer, collecting proverbial dust while I finished school.

Cut to many years later… After I had moved out on my own I decided to show my then girlfriend the old prototype which she immediately fell in love with. I’m pretty sure that without it, she wouldn’t have agreed to my marriage proposal the very next year. She told me to stick with it and keep making improvements, so I ended up doing just that, after finding new friends who were much, much better programmers than myself (including, eventually, her as well), that is. My new team helped bring new life into that unpolished game and together, we made improvement after improvement until we were confident that we had made a fun, unique, and addicting puzzler!

Now we have actual studio space, a Kickstarter on the way and wonderful fans like all of you! We may not make it any further than the Top 50, and if not, it’s sure been awesome just being here. Don’t get me wrong, all of us very, very much hope we do… but just knowing that all of you brought us to this point and that the game we love working on has resonated with so many of you even before it’s out makes all this worth it! Thank you! But seriously… go vote for us!


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