Hey everyone! Sorry blog posts have been fewer and farther between. We’ve been working on getting Collapsus finished (and Greenlit) as well as working actively on Cave Worm, Burst Lancer, and Radarkanoid 3000. Couple that with the last couple events we did (and are planning on diving right back into more) and you can see why we have our hands full! Well, speaking of those events, today’s blog post is all about the events we just came from: The Ohio Gaming Brigade’s Dayton Designed: UDCon Edition at the University of Dayton (man that’s a mouthful!) and St. Patrick’s Day at the Municipal Brew Works. Let’s jam!
). Seems that they liked us enough to invite us to this as well (and good thing, too, because these guys are awesome).
Unlike the first Dayton Designed, this was a 2 day event up at UD and, gotta say, even though it felt like less people stopped by than last time… it was so much fun! It really feels like we’ve made some great friends within this little community. We even got some people who’d played at the last event (and potentially others unconnected to OGB… it was unclear, but it seemed like they were hinting at it). Either way, it was a blast!
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) written by our new friend Josher Lumpkin.
A couple days after that, we headed literally downstairs to the Municipal Brew Works (yes, our studio is above a local brewery) and took part in their St Patrick’s Day festivities. The place was packed, but boy did we get some great reception!

All-in-all I’d say that this was a terrific start to our events year! On the 27th we’re headed to an IGDA Cincinnati event and then in April it’s back to Vector! It’s not even the end of the first quarter and we’ve got 8 or so events lined up for the year already… we’re going to really pack them in! Considering we’re trying to have Radarkanoid 3000, Cave Worm, Burst Lancer, and (of course), Collapsus all done this year, we’re rally looking at having a great year of content all around! Hope you’re all ready!