Hey all! You probably know this if you follow our social media, but I’ve been sick the last few days with some sort of cold. I’m feeling much better now, but I still feel like crap. That’s why I’m going to soft-ball it today with a nice and easy post. The topic of the day is more remodel stuff and the blog itself! Lets hit it!
Pretty nice, huh? It’s really coming along. Only a little more sketching to do (probably another day’s work worth) and then we’re outlining the sketch with Sharpie. After that’s the paint! Really no clue how long it’ll take in total, but it hopefully won’t be too long now.
That’s pretty much all the news on the mural side of things. Now on to the blog news.
It’s been about half a year since we started doing weekly blogs. It seems to have been a huge success! Before, blog posts were random and there was little incentive to even do them at all most of the time. This weekly format really makes us think about what we’re posting and get something of value out of it. So, we’re pretty sure we’re going to continue this format for the foreseeable future. If it ain’t broke and whatnot. Well, if we’re just going to keep doing what we’ve been doing, what’s this part about? Well I wanted to talk briefly about some things we want to be doing with the blog in the near future. A teaser, of sorts.
As you probably know, we’ve started up two ongoing series about the industry recently: “Where Do I Get Started” and “11 Things We’ve Learned from 11 Years in Game Development”. We should have some new posts in both of those series here soon. The cool thing about those is that it (hopefully) won’t just be me and/or Eric. We’re trying to get not only the rest of the team doing little snippets on them, but also maybe some guest spots from other developers we know as well. Wouldn’t that be cool?!
Other than that, we have a few other posts planned. We want to do a postmortem on both the mural & the studio remodel as a whole, a few more random development posts (for Collapsus, Physix, and Radarkanoid), a Radarkanoid launch post, a Radarkanoid postmortem, a couple posts about the status of the Collapsus weekly builds (when they’re going on), at least one post leading up to the Collapsus Kickstarter, a Collapsus Kickstarter postmortem, a Collapsus Greenlight post, and maybe a few more Collapsus posts as well (like for the console releases, Arcade Edition, “weird ports”, DLC, promotions, and the like). Then we shift into more Physix, JPH, and Cave Worm posts, but those are a while off.
Now, setting aside the 50 million development posts I just mentioned, you can also expect a post on the shirt making process, a post on the interviews we’ve been in recently, a post about making our old (crappy) game; FlyGuy, a post about our old (crappier) pre-FlyGuy games, a few posts about events we’re either going to be at or breakdowns after we come back from them, a few posts about the game jam we’re trying to organize, and hopefully a lot more (we are doing 52 blog posts a year, after all! That’s a lot of air time to fill). There’s even a few secret posts we have planned that we can’t quite talk about, but we’re sure you’ll love!
There’s just so many cool ideas we have ready to spring on you… so just stay tuned!